Privacy Policy

TQCARE collects and uses the information you provide to us voluntarily in case we may need to contact you in the future for business and promotional offers.
The website owner and its data is TQCARE LLC with its office is in Michigan USA and its branch in Amman Jordan.
TQCARE website and its data take place at the company’s branch are handled only by the few employees responsible for the processing, .
Technical arrangements have been developed aimed to prevent misuse and unauthorized use of data concerning the user or visitor.
TQCARE website does not in itself collect personal data of the visitor or client. Data is limited to navigation for the operation of the IT systems responsible for the management of the website and the use of the internet communication protocols.
No personal data of users is acquired by the website nor it is communicated to the third party
The voluntary sending of emails to the addresses on this website is kept and used to communicate with the client.
In the case of the recruitment page, the personal data is used with third parties to advertise the applicant’s resume to assist in finding a job for the applicant.

The Privacy Policy of our websites will be subject to revisions as a result of changes in website or agreement.